hi , in this second week we had to test whether the keys we generated in our one time pad, were really random.
And to see if you really are random generated keys, I did Monobit Frequency by Test.
and formulas necessary for this test are:
sobs = | S | / √ n
n = Length of the bit string.
s = X1 + X2 + ... + Xn, where Xi = 2εi - 1 (conversion to ± 1)
P-value = erfc (sobs / √ 2)
And just if P-value> = 0.01 then you could say it is random otherwise is not random.
source code:
some screenshots:
Any comments or suggestions make me know!!
http://www.fi.muni.cz/ ~ xkrhovj/lectures/2005_PA168_Statistical_Testing_slides.pdf